Fuschia Chocolate: chocolate with beets and cranberries It is said to have created the 4th variety of chocolate, after black, milk and white . But is thi... continue reading
English version on-line! it's a great pleasure for me to announce that our website is now available in english by a simple... continue reading
Restaurateurs, adopt gourmet coffee! And now, in the hubbub of an evening with 100 seats, offering a cappuccino for dessert is a real ... continue reading
For softened coffee I am uncomfortable with this form of innovation and follow the tradition of roasting coffees tha... continue reading
Restaurateurs! Burn your bras! I try to follow the "hype" of the opening of the coffeecommon site [...] And I always wonder why ... continue reading
An espresso for the cod please! PETA states that Lipton is testing the properties of green tea on small animals. Does Brûlerie du... continue reading