And now the visit arrives! Every year, it's the party, we see our seasonal customers again, many of whom have been with us since our beginnings. And now, every year, we also prepare ourselves psychologically to experience the hell of lying down and espresso. Our baristas know this and are ready to face (in love and harmony) the espresso “ experts ” who will frequent our coffee bars.
Why hell? Well, because almost every client has a different definition of lying down. This ranges from the 8oz cup elongated at the pump to the rim, to the 10oz cup in a version of the monster americano. My baristas have the motto to give the customers what they ask for (according to our standards) and to subsequently adjust if the customer is not happy by remaking their beverage and providing a little education full of humility.
According to BDQ standards
- One espresso = 30 ml , extracted in 30 seconds in a 3 oz tulip cup
- A long espresso = 50 ml , 45-50 sec, in a 3 oz tulip cup
Using the double handle, you can make a double dose (22 g) using the same extraction times:
- A double espresso = 60 ml , extracted in 30 seconds in a 3 oz tulip cup.
- A long double espresso = 90 ml , 45-50 sec in a 5.5 oz tulip cup
If our customer wants a larger coffee, therefore a longer espresso, we then offer him an Americano, that is to say that I lengthen the coffee with hot water rather than with the pump (put the water before the coffee to keep the crema intact). Since espresso is a phenomenon of erosion under pressure of a compact mass, once the water has eroded most of the solids and solubles from the coffee cake, there is nothing left to extract. By continuing to run the pump to lengthen your espresso, you are doing what is called over-extraction, which results in a bitter, unpleasant brew.
So, still according to our standards, we allow a maximum extraction of around 25% (weight of coffee 22g / weight of extracted liquid 90g). So, I determine the elongated by this standard. Ideally, I should be closer to 30-35% but since the majority of customers are traumatized, you don't change habits in one summer.
In short, I tell myself that our passing customers are served at their favorite café an over-extracted long espresso, with a ratio of 20% to 5%. Bad over-extracted espresso seems to be a norm in Quebec. At this time, it would be better for them to drink a good, well-prepared filter coffee or plunger (or other manual method), because espresso extracted at this ratio tastes really bad. When the ratio is smaller, e.g.: 5%, you must have a longer water + coffee contact time than for espresso and a coarser grind.
Personally, I find that the best espresso is at a ratio of 50 to 60%. So, 22g of coffee in the filter holder for a 35 - 40ml brew extracted at around 1ml per second.
This can be difficult to explain in the context of a coffee bar with a line-up that stretches to the street outside. However, our baristas are patient, humble and kind and will offer everyone the beverage they want, while taking the opportunity to do a little education. ;-)
To chat with us, use our Facebook page
Here is a top 5 of our coffees that are delicious as espresso:
- The Bad Boy Espresso
- The Inspiri Organic
- The Bad Girl Espresso
- Organic Italian Espresso
- The Special Cream
Comments (5)
Bonjour. Si la double dose à BDQ est de 22g dans le portefiltre pour un breuvage de 35-40ml, on a bien 11g pour un espresso à 30ml ou 15g pour garder le ratio 1 : 2 ? Merci
Je possède une saeco via venecia , avec un porte filtre qui a une valve breveté a 10 bar , Peut importe la quantité de cafe que je met a l’intérieur . Ce pf enleve t’il toute chance de m’améliorer ou il fait de moi une superstar du cappucinno?
Est il possible de metre
Je l’ai eu mon éducation dernièrement ! Je dois commander ceci: Un double américano allongé dans un verre moyen…
i like the blend Bella espresso.
But if you find coffee at 10$ / kg, you should taste other coffee to compare. Quality have a price, like wine or olive oil.
Hey what Espresso Hey what Espresso beans do you guys recommend? I uaullsy use Starbucks and like them, but was wondering what would be better? The last few months I’ve been using some from a Florida Coffee shop, because I got 5lbs for $20 half as much as Starbucks beans and they taste great! Anyway enough of me blabbering .what beans do you guys prefer? thanks!