Café, Chocolat et discussion de comptoir - Épisode 01

Coffee, Chocolate and counter discussion - Episode 01

Aug 04, 2020Dany Marquis

And There you go!

Episode #1 of our podcast available on major platforms like Apple and Spotify !

We've had this project on the table for about 2 years, and now we've finally come to fruition. This project remains a communication laboratory, we are not professionals, but we have a lot of fun, and it's as if we were talking to you at the coffee counter.

I invite you to listen to it, and to subscribe.

Welcome to Coffee, Chocolate and Counter Chat. A podcast dedicated to these wonderful products that are coffee and chocolate and to the extraordinary encounters we have while sharing these passions with you. We will also approach the world of these products from our point of view as an importer and manufacturer, while being in contact with, on the one hand, producers and on the other, consumers and professionals, chefs and artisans. We will also tinge our discussions with our reality, our entrepreneurial lifestyle, the rurality of our geographical positioning and the chance to live in a wonderful place on the shores of Baie-des-Chaleurs.
Host: Dany Marquis

In this first episode, hosted with Myriam Aubut-Arseneault and Maélie Martin, we briefly explain the formula, followed by a tour of the team. Then, Dany explains the procedures for importing and purchasing batches of coffee in progress.

Followed by Maélie who presents the featured coffees and cocoa for the month of August.
We will then address a delicate subject, the famous full-automatic espresso machines and the compromise of ease of preparation versus tasting potential.

To finish with Myriam's column, coffee 101: coffee is a fruit.
In addition to hearing Dany publicly state that she doesn't like the London Fog, Maélie who comes across caribou/moose as big as horses and Myriam who climbs Mount Hogs Back to make a filter coffee.

Good listening !

On Apple Podcast

On Spotify

Comments (1)

  • Solide podcast dès les premiers épisodes. La qualité de production, le contenu recherché, varié et adapté à tous les niveaux de caféinomanie. Super travail gang! Je continue de suivre chaque nouvel épisode. N’hésitez pas à geeker café et extraction (si je peux me permettre de prêcher pour ma paroisse :)


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