Brûlerie du Quai in The Dragon's Eye - Radio Canada

May 03, 2014Dany Marquis

I now have the right to officially announce that we will be part of the cast of candidates who made an offer to the Dragons as part of the show “In the Eye of the Dragon” broadcast on Radio-Canada.

The show in which you will see me will take place Monday May 12 at 8 p.m. (Qc time) , rebroadcast on Sunday May 18 at 5 p.m. You can also see it again on their website.

It is an honor to have been chosen, aware of the rigorous selection stages. It is even more of an honor to have been able to come down the stairs and offer the Dragons a business partnership. And given that we are in the 3rd season, and that the show has had very high ratings, over a million, I was therefore in a position to know what I was getting into. Please understand from this that the stress was there!

So we worked hard to document where the company was going and where it was so we could answer any questions. My business plan was perfect. I also prepared my coffee presentation, because I had decided to do a manual preparation with a chemex and our Yyrgacheffe bean , directly in the studio, with the investors, in order to let them taste the coffee.

It was an extraordinary and very enriching experience. And even though you'll only see 6-10 minutes of the encounter, I soaked up every second of it. I'm not the type to consider people who are financially successful and have so much media visibility to be living gods. However, I am able to know the sacrifices and efforts related to the success of their business. It was therefore full of respect and humility that I descended the metal staircase. And even though my business adventure is still very young, I felt good in front of the 5 dragons, with the impression of being, too, made of the same stuff as them. Simply, much, much greener, a bit like a baby dragon...

So I have a lot of respect for those who crossed the desert and found the oasis. Because to succeed, desert we must cross. And the advice, questions, comments from those who have already crossed the desert are worth their weight in gold. As an entrepreneur, we receive our share of advice, too often from people sitting in their offices, who sometimes have very good knowledge of the desert, who have sometimes even put their toes there, but who have never everything risked to cross it.

And in order to play the game of the show and keep the suspense, I will not reveal the outcome of the meeting. Because in the end, it doesn't matter, today's yes will be tomorrow's no, just as no will become yes with patience and perseverance.

But I would tell you that I came away grown, motivated and very inspired. I would even say on fire!

My business has not had a flawless journey, there has been some trial and error, a lot of trials and errors along the way which have left me with entrepreneurial scars. Apparently that's what we call experience. The Gaspé region in which I decided to establish my headquarters is extraordinary for my family, to raise my four children there. The mountains, the sea, sailing, sea fires, the forest, fishing, wild mushrooms, hammock camping, I am already rich to see them growing in this environment. As for business, I won't hide from you that it's not ideal, but I try to turn the wonderful environment in which I operate to my advantage.

I am also extremely grateful to have wonderful customers who have been with us, some since 2005. We work on one product, coffee. It will soon be 10 years since I came into contact with this fascinating beverage every day. Every day we get better. And for 10 years, we have expanded, opened several coffeeshops, trained baristas, helped roasters to start, restaurants to serve coffee better, made direct purchases from producers, I can say that we have played a leading role in the evolution of coffee in Quebec, Eastern Canada and France. And we will continue in this direction and push even further.

The Dragons will be for us the springboard which will make us known to the uninitiated.

So we'll meet on May 12 at 8 p.m.

And, even if I consider that I still have some crusts to eat, who knows, maybe one day, baby dragon will become big ;-)

Your coffee roaster,

Danny Marquis

Tribe leader, entrepreneur, 418 far-east, coffee, motorcycles, martial arts, part-time zen. father of 4 champions and baby dragon.

Comments (8)

  • Félicitations Dany,
    10 ans déjà. J’ai fait très modestement partie de tes débuts comme agence de vente. Mais nous avions délaissé à cet époque le département alimentaire.
    Bonne chance avec la diffusion de cette émission.

  • Félicitations, pour la démarche entrepreunariale mais aussi bravo pour le beau texte que tu nous livres .

  • Je ne manquerai pas l’émission des Dragons j,ai hâte de voir le résultat.
    Au plaisir de te voir dans ton coin l’été prochain je l’espère.

    Dominique ton ancienne voisine.

    Dominique Gauthier
  • bravo Danny!
    j’ai ete une de tes premieres “acheteuses” cafe il y a 10 ans! le temps a passe si vite. et je le suis toujours pour ton crema special!.
    je serai en Gaspesie au mois d’aout. et j’irai chercher ma prochaine reserve cafe!!!

  • Toutes mes félicitations Dany! Tu as l’étoffe d’un dragon, je n’en doute pas une minute. J’aime ta franchise, ton audace, ta persévérance. Mais au delà de tout ça, c’est ta passion qui te pousse toujours plus loin.

    Isabelle Rioux
  • J aime tu écrit très bien j’espère de tout coeur que vous aller réussir.
    Madone et Jacques

  • Bravo Dany!
    Je suis at Tims dans le route Trans Canada vers le prochaine adventure (dans un desert avec boucoup les oasis de opportunity – j’espere!
    Ja va cherche le cafe May 12, pour regarde Dany et les Dragons!

    (7X down 8X up)

  • Puff the magic dragon, lived by the sea… comme chantaient Peter, Paul and Mary. Un dragon magique, entrepreneurial et immuable, c’est ce que je te souhaite. Tu sais, A dragon lives forever! dixit encore le petite chanson.

    Jean B.

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Dany MarquisApr 13, 20145 comments

let's have a coffee!

lattitude : 48.104
longitude : - 66.129

200 route du quai,
carleton-sur-mer, qc, canada
G0C 1J0

your favorite roaster