
Apéro Espresso Coffee


This blend is inspired by fruity liqueurs and fiery happy hours, the Apéro (which means get-together in French) is an intensely fruity blend that brings a sweet, light-textured and fun side to the table!


Its blend features the Honey Process method, in which the coffee cherries are first pulped and mechanically washed, leaving a very small amount of mucilage around the bean which when dried in the sun gives the bean a honey-like appearance and leaves a natural sugar residue that amplifies everything that is sweet in a coffee.


This coffee, when made into an espresso creates a rich, sweet and smooth crema. It's perfect for breakfast in bed or a get-together with good friends.

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information and sample analysis
cupping 85-87 points
producer many
terroir guatemala, el salvador, honduras
country Mixed
farm -
altitude 0 metres
botanical variety arabica
harvest -
notes raspberry, currant, lychee, pineapple
process honey