Our menu is at the bottom of this text.
First and foremost, welcome to the Brûlerie du Quai and Chaleur B Chocolat!
My name is Dany Marquis. I am the captain of this enterprise. Here you are, finally, on our terrasse, ready to discover or rediscover our work. But before you may enter, I wanted to have a little chat with you. To explain how things work around here, see it as a tutorial of the sort.
First of all, be ready to wait because it WILL be long. Maybe you'll be lucky and it won't be. But here, especially in Summer, it gets quite busy (don't get your hopes up). So please bear with us, we're doing our very best and I can guarantee that our coffee is worth the wait. But, if you can't stand it, you can always politely leave, no harm done and no hard feelings.
Now that that's out of the way, as the Captain of this enterprise, I want to talk to you about my front crew (the lovely human beings that you'll see behind the counter). They are one the most important part of this company, without them, we wouldn't have a face nor a reputation. They are here to help and make you the greatest coffee there is. And with a constant customer flow all day long and the burning heat, the pressure is already there (they DON'T need more). So please be kind, patient, and respectful, they're doing their very best. Thank you for your consideration.
Fun fact: What you probably don't know is that almost everything you see in the coffee shop is produced right here, in the back of the shack. It's thanks to our back store crew (the bones of this company) that you have something amazing between your hands. They roast coffee, refine cocoa, bake, and do other menial tasks such as accounting, shipping, and import logistics, quality control, production records, organic monitoring, and hygiene and sanitation protocols. In short, it's a small, creative, and organic microcosm of about 30 people who make this ship afloat and ready to roll.
All these people are my ride-or-die companions that I appreciate a lot. What an amazing trip to have all these trustworthy fellows by my side and ready to kick it to second gear! So again, I ask for you to be considerate, kind, and patient.
What not to say when you're ordering:
" GIVE ME/GIMME" or "I WANT" is not tolerated here. Don't give orders. We aren't robots. We're here to offer you a service, we didn't ask to be disrespected or treated like crap. Be polite and we'll be too, thank you.
Because what you are about to get contains many things that cannot be bought anywhere else (quality, passion, authenticity, and hard work). We here at the Brûlerie du Quai and Chaleur B Chocolat, prefer to take the time we need to generate the very best. It's by resisting the pressure of going faster and avoiding the easier/cheaper way to obtain more profit and expansion that would lead us to denature our products and overtime to diminish our unique tasting experience. By offering less authentic products, and in a global way, we would come to forget what a good coffee, a bar of good chocolate, or a pastry truly handmade by a passionate baker tastes like. We would end up homogenizing the experience and end up like every other coffee brewer (basic and uninteresting). It's like with humans, if everyone was identical, it would be terribly boring.
This is it for my announcement. Thank you for bearing with me, I'm glad that you took the time to read my message. I wish you a pleasant stay with us and a great tasting experience. And if there's anything, I invite you to write me personally. I am open to comments, complaints, suggestions, or questions. Here is my email: dany.marquis@brulerieduquai.com
I would also like to mention that you can purchase our products all year-round through our website at www.brulerieduquai.com
And if you're willing to do business with us, we also offer a program for our commercial partners for resale and in-service use of coffee and chocolate purposes.
Let's now move on to tips and tricks, the what, how, and why of our specialties, and other useful information to make your visit even more enjoyable.
Make way for the FAQ: FAQQ - Frequently Asked Questions at the Quay
Yours truly,
Dany Marquis
(Oh, and here's our menu!)
Comments (6)
Projet des plus inspirants comme on en veut d’avantage. Attente des plus agréable. Chaï laté savoureux et npus avons trop hâte à demain matin pour déguster notre bosco en cafetière italienne qui agrémentera notre séjour.
Bravo, propos et café inspirant. Un lieu unique pour une expérience qui transcende les frontières. Merci 🙏
Votre message d’accueil et de bienvenue humanise nos rapports et c’est réconfortant à lire. Autant les mises en garde et le grand respect pour l’équipage. Comme capitaine, je vous félicite d’avoir justement pris le TEMPS! Merci pour le bon café!
Merci pour cette belle introduction qui témoigne d’un grand respect pour le travail des artisans.
Mais surtout pour l’allongé à l’italienne. Chaque gorgée était une expérience dont je vais m’ennuyer.
Le lieux est exceptionnel, les gens sont merveilleux et les produits à couper le souffle. Bravo et merci! Xx
Je trouve la narration du Scan vraiment très bonne et tout est très bien décrit afin que chaque client qui lit le message sache à quoi s’attendre et les produits offerts sont vraiment très bons et de bonne qualité merci à toute l’équipe et vraiment un très bon travail bravo