This coffee was produced by Guillermo Sanchez in the small town of San Juan Sacatepequez in Guatemala which has coffee trees on more than 85 hectares of land. The farm having been founded in 1905, it has been in their family for over 100 years. Initially, La Finca San José Ocaña , which initially had only forestry and agricultural management as its objective, has evolved and become one of the farms that produce the best coffees in the country. Their success is mainly due to the farm's high altitude, mineral-rich soil and frequent rainfall.
Once the ripe cherries have been picked, they are delivered to the mill where they are loaded into a machine that pulps the coffee cherries, separating the flesh of the fruit from the coffee bean. At this stage, the grains are contained in a small membrane, also called mucilage. This sticky mucilage is made up of natural sugars and alcohols and contributes massively to the sweetness, acidity and flavor profile of coffee. Once the beans have been developed, they are then placed in vats of water to ferment for approximately 12 to 24 hours, depending on the temperature. Fermentation breaks down the mucilage, so the grains are ready to be washed. Once everything is washed and cleaned, the beans stay in the hot sun for a few days. To prevent the grains from roasting, they rest under a shade cloth and will be turned once every hour.
This microlot proves, once again, the exceptional quality of the lots coming from the San José Ocaña finca. The Pacamara botanical variety has unique and distinct flavors that carry over into this batch, which is more deeply fruity than other Latin American coffees; it features notes like jasmine and complex fruity flavors like citrus and berries. The texture of the coffee is also generally appreciated: Pacamara produces a rich, creamy coffee with a full body to accompany its complex flavor. With this Highland Pacamara, you can taste aromas of chocolate, guava, jasmine, plum, orange, grape and passion fruit and even berries! It is a complex lot, which will charm you with its sweet notes and its gentle acidity.
Good tasting !
This coffee was produced by Guillermo Sanchez in the small town of San Juan Sacatepequez, Guatemala, who owns coffee trees on over 85 hectares of land. Founded in 1905, the farm has been in the family for over 100 years. La Finca San José Ocaña started out as a forestry and farming operation, but has evolved into one of the country's finest coffee-producing farms. Their success is largely due to the farm's high altitude, mineral-rich soil and frequent rainfall.
Once the ripe cherries have been picked, they are delivered to the mill, where they are loaded into a machine that depulps the coffee cherries, separating the fruit flesh from the coffee bean. At this stage, the beans are contained in a small membrane, also known as mucilage. This sticky mucilage is made up of sugars and natural alcohols, and contributes massively to the coffee's sweetness, acidity and aromatic profile. Once the beans have been developed, they are then placed in tanks of water to ferment for around 12 to 24 hours, depending on temperature. Fermentation breaks down the mucilage, making the beans ready for washing. Once everything has been washed and cleaned, the grains remain under the hot sun for a few days. To prevent the beans from roasting, they remain under a shade cloth and are turned once every hour.
This microlot once again proves the exceptional quality of the batches from the San José Ocaña finca. The botanical variety Pacamara possesses unique and distinct flavors that are transposed in this batch, which is more deeply fruity than other Latin American coffees; it presents notes like jasmine and complex fruity flavors like citrus and berries. The coffee's texture is also generally appreciated: Pacamara produces a rich, creamy coffee with a full body that accompanies its complex flavor. With this Highland Pacamara, you can taste aromas of chocolate, guava, jasmine, plum, orange, grape and passion fruit and even berries! It's a complex lot, which will charm you with its sweet notes and gentle acidity.
Follow this link to see how to prepare this coffee
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