This is a subject light years away from my concerns as a roaster but it is worth talking about since I receive more and more requests on this subject.
I can tell you about the aromas of a coffee, the roasting...even the culture. But when it comes to the health sector, I prefer to abstain and let professionals, doctors and shamans of all kinds speak.
Still, recently our sales of green coffee have increased. We are really happy with this increase because we really choose our coffees carefully.
Renewed interest in green coffee, for its slimming properties?
The section of the website that offers green coffee was designed primarily for commercial and residential roasters. Well, those for whom these products were intended are not the biggest buyers.
So I found out about this trend by doing a very in-depth search, I Googled “green coffee for weight loss”. Well, what was my surprise to see that the subject seemed serious, as did the research around the phenomenon.
Using green coffee to lose weight: here's what I found
Here I am providing you with a summary of the results of my internet research.
- Eating green coffee seems to help you lose weight
- There would be no side effects
- Specialists explain that during roasting, coffee loses a majority of its component chlorogenic acid, a powerful antioxidant.
- Drinking an infusion of ground green coffee is disgusting
- Nutritionists recommend taking it in capsule form as a dietary supplement.
- Green coffee would reduce the intestinal absorption of sugars and accelerate the elimination of fats.
- There has not yet been a study on the impact that this phenomenon can have on digestive metabolism.
- A daily dose is necessary for the desired effect to be visible after two to three months.
- People who take green coffee to lose weight don't have to move
- The studies that have been presented are still preliminary and randomly conclusive
I recommend this recipe for weight loss using green coffee
- Put 10 green coffee beans in a glass of water in the evening.
- Leave to macerate overnight.
- Drink water in the morning.
- You lose weight without changing your diet, also very effective against cholesterol...
I remain a proponent of calorie accounting, calorie debit and credit. Simplistic perhaps, but I tend to be wary of miracle weight loss techniques.
Do you know the one where you boil old grapefruit peels and you have to drink the broth? Yum…
If the calorie intake is greater than what we expend, we gain weight. If it's the opposite, we lose weight.
Here are my suggestions:
- Less sugar, more fruit
- Less meat, more vegetables
- Less soda, more water
- Less worry, more sleep
- Less words, more actions
- Less TV, more gym
And above all, you have to sweat. Have your forehead wet at least once a day. 30 minutes of exercise.
All this to say that if you want to buy green coffee , we will be happy to send you your order, whether for roasting, losing weight or even making table centerpieces.
Also be careful not to damage your grinder. Green coffee is very dense and grinds difficult.
See you at the gym, the dojo or the soccer field!
Comments (19)
Sublime humour pour présenter le café vert ses biens faits et surtout détecter entre les lignes la bêtise humaine de croire à tout et n’importe quoi pour mincir !!!merci pour ce coup de griffe cette plume magistrale et authentique qui avant même notre jogging nous fait transpirer !!?super la tisane aux grains de café vert….ca ne peut pas faire de mal et si ça fait effet sur certains tant mieux …vive le café vert et vous Dany . cordialement
Je fais actuellement l’essai de boire une décoction de café vert depuis 3 mois. Je suis très active et je fais 10 minutes de sport a mon domicile. Ben j’avoue que j’ai perdu 10 kg (je fesais 85 kg je fais actuellement 76kg) cela m’a coupé mes fringales. Je me sens mieux. La décoction, aujourd’hui je la fais dans une bouteille de 1,5 l et je mets une 30aine de grains. Il m’arrive également de faire une tisane (je fais bouillir 30 grains dans un 1/2litre d’eau) et je la bois au cours de la journée. Voilà je tenais a partager mon expérience. Cordialement
Merci Monsieur…. pour cet article qui me semble vertueux et honnête!!….contrairement aux assertions fallacieuses de certains vendeurs de café vert!!!!
Si l’on n’a pas compris en vous lisant qu’il n’y a aucun miracle à la perte de poids et qu’il faut massivement augmenter son activité physique, c’est qu’on ne sait pas lire ou que l’on n’a pas envie de savoir
Arf excellentissime Monsieur Dany!!!Rien de plus et rien de moins, continuez!
c’est vrai, cest tres bien presenté. Et merci pour tout ces renseignements.
salut M. Dany juste a savoir si vous le vendez en capsules . merci
merci de me dire comment acheter en vue de maigrir 20kgs? merci d’avance SHEDE
j’adore votre façon de présenter le sujet! Vraiment :)