news: good deals, challenges, and everything that’s happening in the world of specialty coffee.

Welcome to News , your go-to source for all things specialty coffee. Here, we explore the landmark successes, exciting challenges, and emerging trends in the world of coffee. Whether you’re a curious coffee lover or a seasoned enthusiast, our articles will immerse you in the news, innovations, and stories shaping the coffee landscape today.

Obsolescence programée
Dany MarquisSep 10, 20179 comments
[...] I am sorry to find more and more irreparable espresso coffee makers on the market. [...]
Mon avis sur les K-Cups
Dany MarquisJul 07, 20138 comments
I started by writing my text in an objective way describing the K-Cups technology [...] I was almost finished when I got sick of myself and deleted the text.
Peut-on vraiment perdre du poids ... à l'aide du café vert ?
Dany MarquisMay 17, 201319 comments
So I start writing about a magic cure for weight loss. But the only reason is that many of you ask me for my opinion on the green coffee-based slimming technique. I am not a doctor, but I will bring my expertise as a coffee expert to try to provide a possible answer to the question.
Dany MarquisOct 11, 20122 comments
But when it came to coffee, I felt like the smokers in the old smoking rooms, safe, with family, accepted. We drink coffee together, we don't care about the effects and God it's good! To each his own poisons as the guy would say. And until now 100% of coffee discussions revolved around the taste and pleasure of drinking. We drink an espresso for the taste, the sensation and the habit ;-) We discuss the arrivals, roasting, we ask the barista what is in his espresso grinder but we didn't care (note the verb tense) effects on health.
Dany MarquisJun 25, 20120 comments
The plural of Italian nouns ending in -o is -i, those ending in -a is -e. When kept in French, these plurals give a scholarly, even pedantic, connotation.
Dany MarquisJun 10, 20120 comments
Finally, I came to the conclusion that learning to work with milk is an "empirical" approach [...]
Dany MarquisFeb 05, 20121 comment
We will then move away from the dominant discourse in Quebec of the three levels of roasting (brown, half-dark and full-bodied) to discover the multiple subtleties between brown and half-black (+0° to +15° after the first crack).
Torréfier à l'italienne, une douce hérésie !
Dany MarquisMar 20, 20115 comments
No matter the bean, roasting it this way tastes the same. Cupping with a Colombian who is well past the 2nd crack is a waste of time for me. And it is with this in mind that I have often thought about stopping this type of roasting. What's the point of buying good beans to burn it at 450F (Agtron #45). Why didn't I do it? Well, like Metropolis, I stuck the coffee offer on the Brûlerie du Quai mission. Use coffee as a medium to create enriching social contacts. And let this medium be the best possible.

let's have a coffee!

lattitude : 48.104
longitude : - 66.129

200 route du quai,
carleton-sur-mer, qc, canada
G0C 1J0

your favorite roaster