Advent Calendar: Coffee Discovery 2023 - Day 7

Diego Salvador




This batch comes from a producer named José Betancur Patiño, who owns a 15-acre farm called Villa Marcela, located in the municipality of Caldono, in the Cauca department of Colombia. This region, along with neighboring Nariño and Huila, represent the new frontier of specialty coffee production in southwest Colombia. Southern smallholders, enjoying relatively recent access to international markets, grow and process some of the country's best-tasting coffees. With the increasing focus on fermentation techniques, like those employed here by José Betancur, the sky may be the limit in terms of flavors. Cauca provides incredible cleanliness and balance with unparalleled depth in the cup.


José follows a strict post-harvest protocol using his mill, which allows for consistent processing. He focuses on selective picking, then floating the cherries to remove damaged and underdeveloped ones. Then, he macerates them for 24 hours before pulping them. Then he ferments them for 18 hours to remove the mucilage before washing the coffee beans. Afterwards, the grains are left to dry for 7 days on raised beds so that they reach 11% humidity.


The perfect pairing of old and new, the classic southern Colombian flavor profile is executed here with grace and poise, using a non-traditional double fermentation and a relatively new cultivar, Castillo. The result is a cup with depth, without heaviness, with a powerful citrus taste without approaching sourness. There are plenty of nuances without a whisper of pretentiousness. During the first tasting, I savored the note of black cherry, so characteristic of the region and not really equaled elsewhere in the world. With a light roast, we can also find notes of plum, apricot, orange, clementine, green grape and mango. The lighter flavors are anchored by a cocoa note, just rustic enough to be substantial. A real neo-traditional pleasure! Good tasting !



This batch comes from a grower named José Betancur Patiño, who owns a 15-acre farm called Villa Marcela, located in the municipality of Caldono, in Colombia's Cauca department. This region, along with neighboring Nariño and Huila, represents the new frontier of specialty coffee production in southwestern Colombia. With relatively recent access to international markets, smallholders in the south grow and process some of the country's tastiest coffees. With increasing attention being paid to fermentation techniques, such as those employed here by José Betancur, the sky can be the limit in terms of flavor. Cauca brings incredible cleanliness and balance with unrivaled depth in the cup.


José follows a strict post-harvest protocol using his mill, which allows for consistent processing. He focuses on selective picking, then floats the cherries to remove damaged and underdeveloped ones. He then macerates them for 24 hours before pulping them. Then he ferments them for 18 hours to remove the mucilage, before washing the beans. The beans are then dried for 7 days on raised beds to 11% humidity.


The perfect combination of old and new, the classic southern Colombian flavor profile is executed here with grace and confidence, using a non-traditional double fermentation and a relatively new cultivar, Castillo. The result is a cup with depth, without heaviness, with a powerful citrus flavor without approaching sourness. There's plenty of nuance without a whisper of pretension. On first tasting, I savored the black cherry note, so characteristic of the region and not really matched anywhere else in the world. With a light roast, there are also notes of plum, apricot, orange, clementine, green grape and mango. The lighter flavors are anchored by a note of cocoa, just rustic enough to be substantial. A true neo-traditional pleasure!


Follow this link to see how to prepare this coffee

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