news: good deals, challenges, and everything that’s happening in the world of specialty coffee.

Welcome to News , your go-to source for all things specialty coffee. Here, we explore the landmark successes, exciting challenges, and emerging trends in the world of coffee. Whether you’re a curious coffee lover or a seasoned enthusiast, our articles will immerse you in the news, innovations, and stories shaping the coffee landscape today.

Articles - Blog - Brûlerie du Quai

Emplois disponibles : Baristas (café-boutique)
Sabrina DesjardinsApr 26, 20240 comments
Nous sommes à la recherche de baristas dynamiques pour enrichir l'équipe du café-boutique de la Brûlerie du Quai, située à Carleton-sur-Mer, en Gaspésie. Si vous avez un amour pour le café, un penchant pour le service client et l'envie de travailler dans un environnement convivial et animé, nous avons l'opportunité parfaite pour vous! 
Emploi disponible : Gestionnaire boutique-café (gérant/e)
Dany MarquisFeb 06, 20240 comments
We are looking for a passionate Boutique Manager to take the reins of our coffee and chocolate boutique/wine merchant space, a true beacon in our community. This role is crucial not only for the proper functioning of the space, but also to ensure the vitality of our environment and contribute to the sustainability of our organization.
Emploi disponible : en transformation du cacao
Dany MarquisFeb 06, 20240 comments
The main responsibilities of the incumbent will be to carry out the various stages of chocolate manufacturing, while respecting the high quality standards of our organization.
Pourquoi les machines à espresso empêchent le café de devenir un produit de dégustation?
Dany MarquisFeb 04, 20237 comments
Coffee has traditionally been considered a commodity, but the third wave of coffee is changing all that. While producers can now promote and profit from better coffees, there remains a segment of coffee drinkers that is resisting the arrival of better coffees: espresso lovers.
Emploi disponible : comptable
Dany MarquisJan 19, 20230 comments
Hello, the team and I are looking to fill a position! This position is that of...
Diego SalvadorJan 17, 20220 comments
If you would like to work under the fragrances of brownies, coffee, chocolate, jams, maple syrup with a view of the sea;If you would like to work in a place where the coffee, tea, hot chocolate, and smoothies are 100% FREE, and an experienced barista is always available to make the beverage you desire;If you desire to work in multiple projects for an always evolving company; Continue reading to see all the benefits and available opportunities! 
espresso brulerie du quai
Dany MarquisJan 15, 20222 comments
Espresso is currently undergoing an evolution that is completely transforming the way we approach this popular beverage. The evolution of equipment, the contribution of professionals and scientists who love coffee who bring their knowledge and their rigor to the table transport us completely elsewhere. Where no man has gone before
J'ai importé les meilleurs cafés au monde! Vous ne devinerez jamais ce qui s'est passé!
Dany MarquisDec 31, 20216 comments
In 2021 I imported the best coffees on the planet, you will never guess what happened! Indeed, in 2021, I had the pleasure of importing and sharing with you some of the best coffees on the planet. It was an exceptional privilege for me!I feel so privileged to be a matchmaker, thus finding myself at the heart of a romantic intrigue between you and your cup. It is a question of pleasure and shared happiness. 2021 was also conducive to human contact of incredible intensity.

let's have a coffee!

lattitude : 48.104
longitude : - 66.129

200 route du quai,
carleton-sur-mer, qc, canada
G0C 1J0

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