A podcast about coffee

Dany Marquis

I strongly invite you to listen, and above all subscribe, to this podcast which revolves around coffee. A creation by Mr. Sébastien Blondeau which adds to the French-speaking café culture in Quebec. So I had the honor of being the guest of Sébastien who came to see us in Carleton-sur-Mer to understand how a roaster like us manages to survive in a small village in Gaspésie.  

Dynamic conversation in which we discuss our reality as roasters, rural entrepreneurs, running a business, our values, our beginnings in business and so on.

Good listening !

Click on the link or image below to access the podcast. You can also find it on Apple.

Coffee Podcast

PS: I had to hide the superb logo of the podcast, because some social media don't like it and block its broadcast... But you can share this one without worry! You have to be cunning! ;-)

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