single origin

Honduras Coffee - Borgoña 90


The Ocopeque region lies in the southwest corner of Honduras, on the border between Guatemala and El Salvador. Here, the mountains are shrouded in clouds, the volcanic soils provide nutrients favorable to coffee, and the temperate microclimates ensure that the beans are at their best. In Octopeque, most people are of Lenca origin, descendants of the classical and post-classical Mayan cultures. Although their language has been obscured, they retain many of their pre-Columbian traditions, including numerous agricultural practices handed down over the millennia. These methods are still used today to produce quality coffee.

Moises from Finca Cascaritas in Mercedes, Honduras, preferred to modify the fermentation protocol. Starting with aerobic fermentation in barrels for 24 hours, then sealing the barrels for 48 hours and inoculating the barrels filled to 80% capacity with Burgundy wine yeast at the start of fermentation. This has the effect of absorbing the alcohol and its tannins without compromising the structure of the coffee beans. This post-harvest preparation technique is unique, and you won't find it anywhere else but on the Cascaritas farm.

information and sample analysis
cupping 90+ points
producer moises hidardo hernandez
terroir plan del rosario, ocotepeque
country Honduras
farm cascaritas
altitude 1250 metres
botanical variety catuai
harvest october 2022
notes apricot, pineapple, raisin, strawberry, mango, banana, vanilla, chocolate, caramel
process experimental aerobic burgundy yeast
roasting light +
recommended preparation method coffee maker, kalita, v60, chemex, espresso, aeropress
extraction formulas and ratios
coffee makerkalitav60chemexespressoaeropress
cup(s) coffee (g) water (ml) temp. °C grind ratio time
1 14 240 89 - 96 7 - 8 1 : 17 3m
2 28 480 89 - 96 7 - 8 1 : 17 4m
4 56 960 89 - 96 7 - 8 1 : 17 5m
6 84 1440 89 - 96 7 - 8 1 : 17 6m
8 112 1920 89 - 96 7 - 8 1 : 17 7m
10 140 2400 89 - 96 7 - 8 1 : 17 8m - 10m
12 168 2880 89 - 96 7 - 8 1 : 17 8m - 10m
cup(s) coffee (g) water (ml) temp. °C grind ratio time
1 16 240 96 5 - 7 1 : 15 3m 20s
2 32 480 96 5 - 7 1 : 15 3m 20s
3 64 960 96 5 - 7 1 : 15 3m 20s
4 96 1440 96 5 - 7 1 : 15 3m 20s
cup(s) coffee (g) water (ml) temp. °C grind ratio time
1 14 240 96 5 - 7 1 : 17 3m 15s
2 28 480 96 5 - 7 1 : 17 3m 15s
4 56 960 96 5 - 7 1 : 17 3m 15s
6 84 1440 96 5 - 7 1 : 17 3m 15s
cup(s) coffee (g) water (ml) temp. °C grind ratio time
1 16 240 96 7 1 : 15 3m 45s
2 32 480 96 7 1 : 15 3m 45s
4 64 960 96 7 1 : 15 3m 45s
6 96 1440 96 7 1 : 15 3m 45s
8 128 1920 96 7 1 : 15 3m 45s
10 256 3840 96 7 1 : 15 3m 45s
shot(s) coffee (g) water (ml) temp. °C grind ratio time
1 20 40 87 - 92 1 - 3 1 : 2 25s - 30s
cup(s) coffee (g) water (ml) temp. °C grind ratio time
1 16 200 84 - 91 2 - 6 1 : 12 2m - 3m
cup(s)coffee (g)water (ml)temp. °Cgrindratiotime
11424089 - 967 - 81 : 173m
22848089 - 967 - 81 : 174m
45696089 - 967 - 81 : 175m
684144089 - 967 - 81 : 176m
8112192089 - 967 - 81 : 177m
10140240089 - 967 - 81 : 178m - 10m
12168288089 - 967 - 81 : 178m - 10m
cup(s)coffee (g)water (ml)temp. °Cgrindratiotime
116240965 - 71 : 153m 20s
232480965 - 71 : 153m 20s
364960965 - 71 : 153m 20s
4961440965 - 71 : 153m 20s
cup(s)coffee (g)water (ml)temp. °Cgrindratiotime
114240965 - 71 : 173m 15s
228480965 - 71 : 173m 15s
456960965 - 71 : 173m 15s
6841440965 - 71 : 173m 15s
cup(s)coffee (g)water (ml)temp. °Cgrindratiotime
1162409671 : 153m 45s
2324809671 : 153m 45s
4649609671 : 153m 45s
69614409671 : 153m 45s
812819209671 : 153m 45s
1025638409671 : 153m 45s
shot(s)coffee (g)water (ml)temp. °Cgrindratiotime
1204087 - 921 - 31 : 225s - 30s
cup(s)coffee (g)water (ml)temp. °Cgrindratiotime
11620084 - 912 - 61 : 122m - 3m

on jase des bonnes choses ?

lattitude : 48.104
longitude : - 66.129

200 route du quai,
carleton-sur-mer, qc, canada
G0C 1J0

1 866-525-2027

votre torréfacteur préféré