black friday

The sale will end on December 2nd at midnight.

up to 25% off

Discover our special Black Friday selection: exceptional products at irresistible prices. From our rare coffees to decadent chocolates, it's the perfect opportunity to treat yourself or someone else to a unique experience at a discount. Don't miss out on these offers, they're available for a limited time!


creators of a medium that facilitates human contact.

roasted in carleton-sur-mer

specialty coffee roasted on the shores of the atlantic, in gaspésie. inspired by the oceans and their perseverance in moving the world forward.

exceptional quality

exceptional quality beans from the best producers in the world.

free shipping

In Canada, orders over $65 are delivered free of charge.

let's talk about the good stuff!

lattitude : 48.104
longitude : - 66.129

200 route du quai,
carleton-sur-mer, qc, canada
G0C 1J0

your favorite roaster.