Basic Hot Chocolate Recipe

Jan 26, 2018Dany Marquis

This is our basic hot chocolate recipe. By following these simple steps, you will have excellent hot chocolate.


For 2 people

2 cups (500g) milk or other liquid for the base

1 tablespoon (12g) brown sugar

1 ½ cups (225g) Chaleur B chocolate

Mix the milk and brown sugar and heat in a bain-marie, in the microwave or directly in a saucepan. Heat your liquid until simmering (+/- 90°C)

Remove from the heat and add the chocolate.

Let sit for 30 seconds.

Whip the hot liquid and the chocolate with a whisk until the mixture is frothy, homogeneous and the chocolate is completely melted and incorporated into the liquid.

If desired, heat to increase the temperature. Ideally the service should be around 60°C. Neither too hot nor too cold.

If you want to flavor your beverage with alcohol, spices, orange zest, etc., add them to the milk and filter your milk if you have added spices.

And you can adjust the quantities according to your tastes. And if you have an espresso machine, you can heat your milk with the steam nozzle for a beautiful micro foam texture.

Bon appetit and broad thirst!

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